OCR – text recognition

OCR is a method of recognizing text on images. We work based on the ISO 8859-1 (8-bit) standard which ensures that all Danish characters are supported without problems.

This helps to ease the workload and case processing, as you can quickly and efficiently refine your search through the digital archive.

The OCR method used at Dansk Scanning A / S is a special type that has made us certified as one of a total of four approved OCR suppliers in the EU. One of the requirements for being selected as a supplier for digitization under the auspices of the EU is that our OCR system:

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Recognizes a minimum of 997 out of 1000 letters – 99.7%

It is important to point out that since OCR is done by a computer, the search becomes based on many different fonts. This helps in recognizing both new printed documents as well as old fonts from typewriters. However, handwritten documents and especially text in italics can be difficult to identify and thus the result with OCR on handwritten text can be challenging.

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We are ready to help your business be digitized. Call us to hear more about how we can help you.